Pathways to Wellness & New Year’s Reflections
“New year, same me.” It’s a common feeling in January, when most people are in the midst of their New Year’s reflections. Everyone is looking for their own pathways to wellness, and we all have our own idea of what it means to achieve them. At eSmartr, we’re big on New Year’s reflections — we believe they can give you a sense of stability in the new year, and make it easier to maintain a healthy perspective on life. Remember — the best time to reinvest in yourself is now, and no matter how you’re feeling, it is always a good time to take a step back and reflect!
When you do set out to do your New Year’s reflections, make pathways to wellness a part of the experience; commit to taking care of yourself in the new year, and think about what you really want from it. You could even use this year as a guideline; how could 2021 “make up” for 2020?

A bit of advice from eSmartr: Sometimes, big, hairy, ambitious goals are too daunting to properly work with and makes it easier to give up or quit. Instead, try breaking them up into smaller, reasonable, bite-sized goals. Then, set reminders for yourself throughout the year to check in on your progress. You don’t have to be accomplishing everything. You don’t even have to be doing an amazing job — but a chance to reflect is always worth taking. Remember, first we create our habits, then our habits create us. Starting something new, big or small, requires effort, discipline, and patience.
We have our own goals and ambitions, to be sure — but as a part of our own New Year’s reflections, we want to take a moment to thank the people who have supported us on our pathways to wellness and mindfulness in the past year: Mark Abma, Kirsty Dunne, Steve Aoki, Jrue Holiday, the teams at Umbro, DC, and HEAD, and, most of all, the eSmartr community, including you. Next year, we aim to continue making mindfulness easier for all. We’ve already started by reducing the price for our smart compression sleeves, and we’re excited for what the next year will bring.
Happy New Year! We hope you have a safe and wondrous 2021, and we look forward to seeing what you will accomplish.