Mindfulness in the New Year
The month of December winds to a close; Christmas is behind us once again, and the New Year is only a few hours away. Now, more than ever, is a time to be looking forward to the future, to be excited by possibility; to envision a new year, and a new you as well.
Of course, it’s all easier said than done, and for that simple reason, this can be a stressful time of year, even with holiday festivities behind us. The idea of making resolutions for the year is a popular one, and a lot of people will take advantage of this optimistic time to set big goals for themselves that they really want to achieve. There will be those resolving to lose weight, to overcome their addictions, to raise their grades, find better-paying jobs, or move into new homes. When the month of January begins, a lot of us are going to be faced with the challenge of maintaining our New Year’s resolutions, which could be stressful.

So whatever your goals are for 2020, remember to prioritize your mindfulness in the new year. Being present, focused, and aware in the moment is an amazing thing that has been linked to reducing this kind of stress and anxiety. Becoming overwhelmed by your own goals could be a frustrating, heartbreaking feeling when you just know that every day you could be moving a bit closer to success. Those who donned their eSmartr sleeve into 2019 found it was easier to keep their eyes on that on that prize, and away from those frustrations.
We hope that everyone enjoys a good New Year and an even better 2020; as we’ve mentioned before, we’re really excited about the upcoming year and all of the amazing initiatives we have planned for everyone. We want this to be a year for mindfulness made easy; for the eSmartr sleeve to help everyone to find their focus and achieve their resolutions with pride.